Some events will require registration.
Registration for those events will open on January 26!
Jesus said, "As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you," (John 20:21). This means that as much as we are loved and rescued by God so too are we SENT by God to bear testimony to the world around us--those we see and interact with everyday AND those we partner with to reach around the world. Our hope and prayer is that you will be inspired by what God is currently doing around the world and empowered to join Jesus Christ in His ongoing work to reach the lost with the hope of the gospel.
As a way to say thank you for registering early for the conference events, there will be a drawing for several great PRIZES. For every event you register for by Wednesday, February 12, your name will be entered into a drawing for these prizes. Winners will be announced on the last day of the conference, during the Wednesday night Catered Dinner!
The conference will kick off with our speaker, Stephen Jones (one of our Global Partners ministering to South Asians in London, UK) preaching on what it looks like to be fallen people who are “SENT” into the world to take the good news of the gospel to a broken world. In lieu of our regular Sunday School communities, please join us for our breakout seminars led by our Global and Local Partners on various topics during the 9:45 and 11:00 hours. That evening, return for an international potluck dinner. Bring your favorite international dish to share (in a disposable container). We will have a special time of worship in the Sanctuary led by guest musicians, Jonathan and Amanda Noel. Stephen Jones will speak again, challenging us to truly live as those who are “SENT” by God in our own contexts. The evening will conclude with a time to interact with our local and Global Partners in the exhibit hall. Kids (K4-Grade 4) will eat upstairs with their families and then come down to Kids Ministry for their own event. Nursery is available.
8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 am
Worship Services with Guest Preacher Stephen Jones
9:45 am and 11:00 am
Global Partners in Sunday School Breakout Seminars
5:15 pm - 6:00 pm
International Potluck Dinner (F. Hall)
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Worship with Guest Worship Leaders Jonathan & Amanda Noel and Guest Speaker Stephen Jones (Sanctuary)
6:00-7:15 pm
Nursery (Birth – K3)
K4-4th grade kids program
7:15 pm - 8:00 pm
Global Partner Exhibit Hall (Commons)
On Monday our senior adult ministry, PrimeTime, will hear from several of our Global Partners over a catered lunch in the Fellowship Hall. In tandem, The Young Adult Ministry will hear from a few of our Global Partners over a catered lunch of their own. That evening, all women will gather for a catered dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 to hear from Stephen Jones and have Jonthan and Amanda lead us in a special time of worship together. For women who are attending, childcare and a separate dinner for crib through 4th grade will be provided downstairs. Later that evening, we will most likely have a men's event as well! (Stay tuned!)
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
PrimeTime Lunch with Global Partners (F. Hall)
Young Adult Lunch with Global Partners (Community House)
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Women's Dinner Event with Guest Speaker Stephen Jones & Guest Worship Leaders Jonathan & Amanda Noel (F. Hall)
5:30 - 7:00 pm Kids dinner & program (Birth to Grade 4) for Event Attendees
* Potential Men's Event afterwards with Stephen Jones (Location TBD)
On Tuesday, our Global Partners will be participating in regularly scheduled church events throughout the day, including Mentor Moms and prayer with the officers. During the day, they will also enjoy a chance to worship with church staff.
Wednesday night we will share a catered meal in the Fellowship Hall and we will hear a panel of Global Partners sharing how God is working in and through them as they seek to live on mission in their unique cross-cultural context. The Youth are invited to a separate pizza dinner at the Youth Building. Drop off for the youth is from 5:30-5:45. They will eat together and then walk up to the Fellowship Hall to join the adults for the Global Partner Panel. Kids (crib to 4th grade) will check-in downstairs at 6:00 pm, eat dinner, and enjoy a Kids Program of their own!
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Catered Dinner & Global Partner Panel (F. Hall)
ADULTS 6:00 - 7:30 pm
In Fellowship Hall for full event
YOUTH 5:30 - 6:15 pm
Youth (5th - 12th) Optional Pizza Dinner (Youth Center)
Youth will then attend the Global Partner Panel
KIDS 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Nursery (Birth – K3)
K4-4th grade kids program
Kids will eat dinner downstairs
7:30 pm - 8:15 pm
Global Partner Exhibit Hall (Commons)
Meet Our Conference Speaker
Stephen and Charity Jones have spent 16 years in overseas ministry, including 11 years serving London’s South Asian community through church planting, counseling, and leadership development. In 2018, they launched a multilingual counseling ministry in London. Their counsellors have given over 4,300 sessions in 13 languages and awarded more than $200,000 in scholarships funded by internal fees. Stephen also pastors New Life Suwarta Sangat Church. In 2022, they established Counselling Global, a nonprofit that trains counselors, supports vulnerable clients, serves the South Asian church and funds global missions. Stephen enjoys spending lots of time with his wife and three children: King (14), Eden (13) and Boaz (10). His favourite hobbies are laughing, eating spicy food and finding sun.
Meet Our Guest Worship Leaders
Jonathan and Amanda Noël have spent nearly three decades sharing their music through recordings and live events, performing in theaters and leading worship in chapels. Passionate songwriters, some of their songs have appeared on Grammy and Dove award winning albums. They’ve been pleased to write, perform, tour, and/or record with such diverse artists as Fernando Ortega, Andrew Peterson, Jill Phillips, Wendell Kimbrough, Taylor Leonhart, Charlie Peacock, Jars of Clay, Ron Block, Andy Gullahorn, Margaret Becker, The Choir, Buddy Greene, Indelible Grace, and many more.